Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Target Update

Here's an email I just sent to Target after conversing with my friend Mallory about what happened:

"I just got off the phone with someone from your customer service center, and am still not satisfied with the response I got from my most recent experience at Target. I was given a gift card from a friend for my new born. Spent an hour in your store, with my two year old and new born to browse and purchase things to use the gift card on. There was an error at the cash register, and I waited 20 or more minutes with my children for a manager to finally come and tell me that the card was empty, it was never purchased. Which is fine, she could of left it at that and explain that whomever purchased it needed to go back and figure out what happened. But, instead, she asked for the packaging it came in, left for a few more moments, came back again, and said that they have been having a problem with some Target employees doing a swap.
Basically, the person on the register will purchase the gift card, take your money, and then swap the real gift card, with an empty one..and keep your gift card for themselves. And that this is what most likely happened with this gift card.
and that "I" would have to call and get this fixed, embarrass my friend and call her and tell her she gave me an empty gift card, and she would then have to call and prove she purchased it to get it fixed.
When I called the help center to explain my problem, the person explained that it may or may not have been an issue of theft, that someone could of accidently given us the empty card instead of the filled one. Here's the thing, and why I'm still not satisfied, regardless of the error, it was not an error on OUR part, it was an error on Target's part and I think we should be compensated for this error. Because not only does now my friend have to take the time out of her life to get this fixed after ALREADY thinking she was good to go (and she should of been), she already went to Target with the intent to purchase this gift for me (she also had three very young grandchildren with her when she went) and I would not of went to Target with my newborn and 2 year old had I not of gotten this gift card.. I would of stayed home.
I understand that we have to prove she purchased the card in order to get this fixed, because of Target's error...but when she proves this, as I said above, I think we both should be compensated for our time, and problems we encountered on account of your business. And I hope that the error would be better addressed being that it was implied that this is a common occurrence.
I posted a blog about my experience also, if you would like read about it, you can visit my blog at http://johannaswartz.blogspot.com"

So, HOPEFULLY they respond, and I can post a positive update from them!

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