Monday, December 13, 2010

Mommy Overload.

Did I really just Google, "mommy overload"? (and did spell check really just tell me I needed to capitalize google?!)

Yep. And you know what I found? A lot of whiny moms.

I read this article..

Warning signs of mommy burnout


So let me get this straight, because you are a 'mom", and do your job as a mom... you are somehow losing yourself? Which means, because you have lost this mysterious "you", this is why you are discontent with your life...... now what? Make sure I get my "me time" every day, and find something I "love", and then life will be merry as a mom?
Maybe I'm missing something, but, aside from being a "mom" and a you-less you, what single, childless person, truly knows who they are and are 100% content with where they are at any given moment?
None, that I know of. I for hell wasn't one before I got married, nor am I finding a firmer, more defined and content sense of self now that I am married with children.
I have learned "more" about myself..but I'm sure others who are not married, or have kids have also had opportunities to learn more about themselves too.
My point in comparing single, kid-less myself, is that, I think regardless where I was in life, or who I was with, eventually you get overloaded...sometimes, you need a break. If your life is so busy that you can't even think straight, like any other NORMAL person, SCALE BACK, cut back on what you're doing. And don't feel guilty about it. Sanity is more precious than getting that extra load of laundry done, or making sure your house is spotless. Sometimes you get so exacerbated with life, that you want to scream your freaking head off and throw every god damn thing you own out into the trash because you can't find your keys for the nineteenth thousandth time in that day and again, I'd like to think everyone has those kinds of days.
As a lot of these blogs, and other "mommy support" groups suggest, I don't think it boils down to making sure you have "me time" or that you are losing "you"...
In some weird way, reading these whiny blogs and seeing all this talk about "you time" for moms on the tv and such, made me realize that, everyone has bad days, regardless of where you are in life. I wouldn't trade my kids, or my life..for anything. OKAY, so some days, I might feel like I could trade them for a chocolate bar -- but I really wouldn't. I love them too much, really. And deep down, I would do anything for them even if it meant "losing" some of me. And why is that a problem? Who really "knows" who this "me" is anyway? Maybe, just maybe, this "me" that everyone keeps talking about finding, is already there, learning how to be more selfless, more loving, with a bigger heart, which might just be was being "you/me" is all matter who you are in life. Maybe learning how to love until it hurts, give until it hurts, is more human, and helping us to understand more about ourselves than turning inward and only thinking about the "me".............
Okay, and let me say, yes, OBVIOUSLY as I said above, everyone needs a break sometimes, to just----------- RELAX. But again, that's EVERYONE. There's nothing wrong with that - but this whole, "find you time" , "get to know you time", I think is a bunch of garbage. And that is my official opinion. My personal struggle, is trying not to be a martyr. I've been blessed to be a stay at home mom, I've been blessed with two wonderful kids and a great husband. I am human, with every despicable human trait, qualities and weaknesses..and can have bad days if I want. So what?! It doesn't mean that I have lost me, and need to find, "me". I'm here, I've been here all along..and am just like every other person out there. And I'm tired of these bloggers, magazines, and articles, and t.v. shows telling mothers that simply because they are a mom, and are having a bad day, LIKE ANY OTHER NORMAL PERSON --- they have some how lost themselves. And just because you are having a bad day as a mom, doesn't mean that you are somehow less of a person, or need to go out and find "yourself".

Anyway, that's my soap box/pep talk for the night to myself, on a quirkier note, maybe the problem is that my life is really good...and the better life gets, the more creative we get at finding things wrong with it. Why? Hell if I know. I'll touch on that later.